- 5:15:00 AM
India is really good to visit. They have really authentic culture yet so majestic. But you should know this 10 things about India.
1. Drink only bottled water
Since India has a really serious problem about sanitation. Don't try to drink public water tap. Even I never have any problem with this case. but other traveler warned me about that, because their friend experience stomachache after drank from the water tap.
2. Street Food is amazing (literally amazing)
I bought a pineapple nearby ChadniChowk (famous traditional market in Delhi). It looks so fresh and delicious. Right after I finished my eat. I saw that he (seller) splash a water into the pineapple with their hand. And what kind of water he gave is make me almost throw it up. He gave a dirty (literally so dirty) water to the pineapple. The water has a brown color. And I guess he use it to clean his hand after do another dirty job. Such as peeled the pineaple or anything else.
When I was in Kolkata, I see the t-shirt that used to wipe the sweat, also use for make a paratta. How disguisting it is. But I tried ones. You should try tho.
3. Learn Bollywood song
Im a big fans of Kareena Kapoor, Rani Mukherjee, Shahrukh Khan and another Bollywood star. So I can sing some Indian Song. And I try to sing it when I meet a new Indian friend. And they were really impress on me. You should learn any Indian Song.
4. KFC with Biryani
I am a big fans of KFC. Everytime I went to abroad, Ill buy a KFC at least one. And every countries has a different companion dish. In Indonesia, they use a white rice. In Abu Dhabi, they use a bread, in Thailand they use a white rice as well, But in India, they use a Biryani rice (Rice with spices). The taste is great, and recomended to try.
5. Dont give anything to children or beggar
India has a big population of homeless. Beggar is even worst. But dont give them money, food or anything, unless you have anything else for their friend. Beggar or children in India will seduce you to give them a money or anithing, but later, they will call their friend to ask anything same that you gave the first person, And the amount of them is huge. I ever give a candy to a children in Fatekhpur Sikri, A minutes later, dozen of childrens came to me and ask for the candy.
6. Never bring tripod to Taj Mahal
When you visit Taj Mahal. dont bring anithing but camera and a bag. dont bring any tripod, selfie stick or even snack to the site, or you it will be gone. It is restricted to bring tripod, selfie stick or even a piece of paper with a written text on it to Taj Mahal.
7. Try Bajaj
Bajaj is really mad in India, they have no seatbelt, and we make it more mad with 6 people in one bajaj. But it so fun to do something unusual.
8. Indian people not so smelly as Indian people in Indonesia.
I met many Indian people here, and the smell not that terrible. Maybe because of the humidity difference between India and Indonesia.
9. 24 hours ++ on the train
On my trip from Kolkata to Agra, I took an economic train which need more than 24 hours. I have to laid on artificial bed that swing on the train. They call it sleeping class train. Can you imagine, for more than 24 hours I trappped in the really full train, and I must laid on the swing bed, all day long, since there is no empty chair on bottom. or even no space on the floor.
10. Shake head means 'yes'
First day I came to India was flusstering. I thought that they could speak English as well as seen on TV, but not really. And what I really confused about was, How they express 'YES'. They move their head just like we move our head when express "NO'
1. Drink only bottled water
Since India has a really serious problem about sanitation. Don't try to drink public water tap. Even I never have any problem with this case. but other traveler warned me about that, because their friend experience stomachache after drank from the water tap.
2. Street Food is amazing (literally amazing)
I bought a pineapple nearby ChadniChowk (famous traditional market in Delhi). It looks so fresh and delicious. Right after I finished my eat. I saw that he (seller) splash a water into the pineapple with their hand. And what kind of water he gave is make me almost throw it up. He gave a dirty (literally so dirty) water to the pineapple. The water has a brown color. And I guess he use it to clean his hand after do another dirty job. Such as peeled the pineaple or anything else.
When I was in Kolkata, I see the t-shirt that used to wipe the sweat, also use for make a paratta. How disguisting it is. But I tried ones. You should try tho.
3. Learn Bollywood song
Im a big fans of Kareena Kapoor, Rani Mukherjee, Shahrukh Khan and another Bollywood star. So I can sing some Indian Song. And I try to sing it when I meet a new Indian friend. And they were really impress on me. You should learn any Indian Song.
4. KFC with Biryani
I am a big fans of KFC. Everytime I went to abroad, Ill buy a KFC at least one. And every countries has a different companion dish. In Indonesia, they use a white rice. In Abu Dhabi, they use a bread, in Thailand they use a white rice as well, But in India, they use a Biryani rice (Rice with spices). The taste is great, and recomended to try.
5. Dont give anything to children or beggar
India has a big population of homeless. Beggar is even worst. But dont give them money, food or anything, unless you have anything else for their friend. Beggar or children in India will seduce you to give them a money or anithing, but later, they will call their friend to ask anything same that you gave the first person, And the amount of them is huge. I ever give a candy to a children in Fatekhpur Sikri, A minutes later, dozen of childrens came to me and ask for the candy.
6. Never bring tripod to Taj Mahal
When you visit Taj Mahal. dont bring anithing but camera and a bag. dont bring any tripod, selfie stick or even snack to the site, or you it will be gone. It is restricted to bring tripod, selfie stick or even a piece of paper with a written text on it to Taj Mahal.
7. Try Bajaj
Bajaj is really mad in India, they have no seatbelt, and we make it more mad with 6 people in one bajaj. But it so fun to do something unusual.
8. Indian people not so smelly as Indian people in Indonesia.
I met many Indian people here, and the smell not that terrible. Maybe because of the humidity difference between India and Indonesia.
9. 24 hours ++ on the train
On my trip from Kolkata to Agra, I took an economic train which need more than 24 hours. I have to laid on artificial bed that swing on the train. They call it sleeping class train. Can you imagine, for more than 24 hours I trappped in the really full train, and I must laid on the swing bed, all day long, since there is no empty chair on bottom. or even no space on the floor.
10. Shake head means 'yes'
First day I came to India was flusstering. I thought that they could speak English as well as seen on TV, but not really. And what I really confused about was, How they express 'YES'. They move their head just like we move our head when express "NO'
- 9:19:00 PM
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Big Ben |
Walk through Thames River in the summer is make your heart beat faster than usual. Buildings around Thames are perfectly matched with the dark and dramatically sky.
I do love London. Movies, books, songs and everything about London , I like it so much. That's why I dreamed of being there. Day by day, month by month, year by year I pray to the God to make my dream comes true (LOL). And Finally, in earlier September my boss sent me to London for business purpose. Thanks God.
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Strolling on Harry Potter set |
Big Ben is the nickname for Giant Bell of the clock located at the north end of the Westminster Palace in London. The tower is officially known as Elizabeth Tower, renamed in 2012 to celebrate Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II (60th anniversary of the accession of Queen Elisabeth II). Big Ben holds the second largest four-faced chiming clock in the world after Minneapolis City Hall, in Minnesota, U.S.
After few walk and sightseeing in Westminster palace, then I went to Thames path and walk along there. On my way, I found several fascinating buildings just around the Thames. Then I walk away to the Tower Bridge.Right after couples of minutes finally, I reached Tower Bridge. (Better to use Google maps to reach each place in London, since everything is accessible by walk).
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St. Paul's Cathedral |
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Tower Bridge |
I have an appointment to have a dinner with Pete (my Couchsurfing host) so I have to go back to the flat. I usually spend at least one night with host and do something together. Or just have a conversation with them. It was awesome to talk to the stranger that we just met, and heard from them their travel experiences, or sometimes heard their inspired life stories.
- 12:58:00 PM
Everybody agree that Indonesia has beautiful beach. No wonder, Indonesia located between two ocean Hindia and Pasific. Kok gua tiba-tiba keminggris gini ya. Oke, lets talk in Bahasa. Teluk Hijau a.k.a Greenbay, adalah sebuah teluk yang letaknya di ujung timur pulau Jawa, tepatnya di Banyuwangi. Untuk sampe ke Banyuwangi lu bisa terbang dari Surabaya lanjut perjalanan darat 8 jam naik bis, atau kereta api. Tapi elu juga bisa terbang langsung ke Banyuwangi, karena sekarang udah ada bandara di sono.
- 1:43:00 AM
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Toilet duduk tradisional Jepang |
Pas elu lagi traveling, mau gak mau elu harus berhubungan dengan yang namanya toilet atau kamar mandi a.k.a restroom or washroom atau apalah itu. Gue kepikiran mbahas masalah ini karena dari beberapa negara yang pernah gue datengin, masing-masing punya keunikan masing-masing. Mulai dari yang beyond expectation sampai once in a lifetime toilet semua punya cerita seru.
- 7:08:00 AM
Lets party till drop |
Sesampainya gue di rumah Katsuhiro (host yang ngijinin gue nginep dirumahnya), gua mandi, boker, ganti baju, kagak lupa daleman juga. Oh iye, gue ada tips buat kalian biar gak ribet pas waktu ngetrip. Biar ngehemat space di tas, mendingan bawa aja 'disposable panties' atau celana dalam sekali pakai. Jadi sesuaikan aja sama berapa hari kalian mau ngetrip, trus bawa sejumlah hari itu. Kalian kagak usah repot-repot buat nyuci daleman, Harganya juga murah dan kalian bisa beli di mini atau supermarket deket rumah,
- 12:08:00 AM
Sakura di Kyoto |
- 9:34:00 AM
"Ke luar negeri tanpa booking hotel? Mana bisa?". Kata siapa perlu hotel buat ngetrip. Kita hanya butuh keberanian dan jiwa petualang. Sebenernya gue udah telat banget sih tau couchsurfing, sementara kenalan gue udah bertahun-tahun pake. Di kalangan traveler couchsurfing emang gak asing lagi, tapi masih aja banyak yang tanya, lu ke London kemarin penginapan habis berapa? kan mahal? Gua jawab, gua ikut CS (Couchsurfing) tapi masih aja banyak yang tanya apa itu Couchsurfing. Nah gue coba buat jelasin dikit ya.
- 12:35:00 AM
Pukul 8 malam saya sampai di
stasiun Yatri Nivas di Kolkata diantar oleh Bolu Gupta. Saya berikan 2000 rupee
karena iba padanya. Dia berterimakasih sambil memegang erat tangan saya serta
mengangguk-anggukkan kepalanya. Setelah pamitan, saya langsung kandas diikuti
asap taxi gupta menjauh dari saya. kemudian saya beranjak ke KFC untuk mengisi
- 2:46:00 AM
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Howrah Bridge di pagi hari |
Tepat pukul enam pagi saya terbangun lantaran mendengar puluhan pasang langkah
kaki didekat saya ketika saya lihat, ternyata sudah banyak manusia lalu lalang
distasiun. Mulai dari anak-anak, remaja, bapak-bapak, ibu-ibu hingga kakek
nenek tua renta. Mayoritas dari mereka membawa barang bawaan yang dibungkus
karung goni yang disunggi atau dpikul menggunakan kepala mereka. Tak jarang
saya melihat ibu-ibu hitam legam yang memakai sari warna terang sambil membawa
- 2:42:00 AM
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Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 |
- 10:30:00 PM
Jam dinding bersudut 180 saat saya terbangun. Matahari masih berselimut kala itu. Segera saya mengayuh sepeda menyusuri pulau kecil ini. Jalanan memang masih sepi, namun kilauan mentari telah terpantul diantara gemericik ombak Terawangan. Sesekali saya memergoki nelayan pulang dari melaut. Saya pun mengintip beberapa orang menenteng beberapa tabung dan snorkeling yang dipersiapkan untuk membelah lautan.
Gili dipagi hari amat mempesona. Berjajar para kepala-kepala yang haus kilauan mentari pagi. Dipasir putih nampak beberapa kamera ditodongkan ke arah lautan lepas. Kayuhan sepeda sayapun teerhenti sejenak ketika mendapati hijaunya pepohonan berkolaborasi dengan kuningnya sinar matahari. Sesaat kemudian saya mengayuh kembali sepeda berwarna biru usang yang saya sewa seharga 20ribu untuk sehari. Belum sejam saya sudah mengitari pulau ini
- 9:06:00 PM
Pantai Gili Terawangan |
Matahari sudah melirik kami saat itu. Kami bergegas memberesi tenda dan kawan-kawannya untuk beranjak turun ke Desa Senaru yang jarak tempuhnya hanya setengah jam dari tempat kita menenda. Setelah segalanya siap kamipun turun. Saya yang masih dengan sakit dikaki berjalan cepat demi segera sampai dan beristirahat. Sekali lagi saya berpisah dengan rombongan dan meluncur dengan terpincang-pincang lantaran kaki kiri terasa nyeri.
- 9:19:00 PM
Berfoto dengan Pendaki Cilik |
Naik gunung bukanlah aktivitas yang remeh. Butuh fisik yang tangguh dan mental yang kuat. Fisik yang sehat mutlak dibutuhkan, namun mental pantang menyerah juga nomor wahid yang harus dimiliki.
Sebelum naik gunung saya melakukan persiapan yang cukup matang. Mulai dari berolahraga ringan hingga barang bawaan. Saya berlatih di treadmill tiga kali seminggu selama 20-30 menit perset. Selain Olahraga berikut benda-benda yang saya siapkan.
- 7:25:00 AM
Setelah semalam kami singgah di danau, akhirnya perjalanan berikutnyapun dimulai. Tadi malam kami menyantap hidangan enak yakni ikan bakar yang kami peroleh dari tetangga sebelah. Tetangga sebelah kami terdiri dari ABG Lombok yang merayakan kelulusannya dengan naik Rinjani. Mereka sengaja membawa alat pancing agar bisa memperoleh ikan dengan mudah ketika di danau. Hasil pancingan mereka berlimpah ketika itu. Maka kamipun diberi beberapa ekor yang akhirnya berpindah ke perut-perut lapar kami. Sayapun yang sebenarnya tidak suka ikan akhirnya lahap ketika kelaparan sudah menghantui perut saya.
- 8:00:00 AM